Select­ed Bibliography

2023. Helen Hugh­es, review. Art Forum Sep­tem­ber 2023 View text here

Ger­ry Bell, Stephen Bush — ‘A Trou­bled Mind,’ mel­bourn­eart­seen

2016 Ger­ry Bell, Stephen Bush — ‘Fes­tooned’. mel­bourn­eart­seen.

2015 Char­lotte Mullins, Pic­tur­ing Peo­ple: The New State of the Art. Lon­don: Thames&Hudson

White Ele­phant’ Ste­pe­hen Bush and Lee Sear­le in con­ver­sa­tion, Stur­geon

2014 Dr. Chris McAu­li­ffe, ‘Steen­huf­fel’ review. View text here

Stephen Bush: Steen­huf­fel. View Steen­huf­fel exhi­bi­tion cat­a­log PDF

2012 ‘Inside the Mind of Stephen Bush’, Phaidon ‘Agen­da’ online, February
View Phaidon interview

2011     Vit­a­min P2: New Per­spec­tives in Paint­ing. Lon­don: Phaidon
Wayne Tun­ni­cliffe Vit­a­min P2: Stephen Bush — View text here
Natasha Bul­lock, ‘When I was here, I want­ed to be there,’ Art in Aus­tralia, Sum­mer View text here
Jour­neys (cat­a­logue), Plim­sol Gallery, Hobart.

2010 Natasha Bul­lock, ‘Stephen Bush’, Wilder­ness: Bal­naves Con­tem­po­rary Painting(catalogue), Art Gallery New South Wales.

2009 Kel­ly Gel­lat­ly, ‘Stephen Bush’, Clemenger Catalogues.
Lau­ra Pia, ‘Stephen Bush: Still what he meant to be’, Look Magazine.

2008 David Bur­nett, ‘Phan­tas­magor­i­cal Vis­tas and Chem­i­cal Skies’,Contemporary Aus­tralia: Opti­mism (cat­a­logue), Queens­land Art Gallery, Brisbane.
Rebec­ca Coates, ‘Stephen Bush: Tox­ic Utopias’, Art World, issue 5 October/ November.
2007 Gabriel­la Coslovich, ‘Lus­cious­ness in paint wins Mel­bourne artist one of the coun­try’s rich­est prizes’, The Age, June 30.
‘The tyran­ny of dis­tance for Aus­tralian art’, The Age, July 7.
Ash­ley Craw­ford, ‘Metaphor, Melan­cho­lia and May­hem’ in Stephen Bush: Gelder­land, (cat­a­logue), SITE San­ta Fe, San­ta Fe, New Mexico.
Liza Stat­ton, ‘No con­so­la­tion prizes’ in Stephen Bush: Gelder­land, (cat­a­logue), SITE San­ta Fe, San­ta Fe, New Mexico.
View the Gelder­land Cat­a­log — PDF
James Tay­lor, ‘Bush scoops top art prize’, The Adver­tis­er, June 30.
Pen­ny Webb, ‘Sight­line’, The Age, July 20.
2006 Ash­ley Craw­ford, ‘Stephen Bush’, The Sun­day Age, May 7.
Jonathan Good­man, ‘Stephen Bush’, Art in Amer­i­ca, Spring (review).
Nell McClis­ter, ‘Stephen Bush’, Art Forum, Jan. (review).
Sebas­t­ian Smee, ‘Out of the Abstract’, The Week­end Aus­tralian, May, 6–7.
2004 Louise Bel­lamy, ‘The long call of a lit­tle ele­phant’, The Age, 31st July.
John Mateer, ‘Stephen Bush: Flesh — Eat­ing Squir­rel’, Aus­tralian Art Col­lec­tor, Issue 29.
2003 Dr. Peter J. Hutch­ings, ‘Hegel after Warhol: Stephen Bush and the spir­its of the age’,, Black­wood Sky­line, Stephen Bush: work in progress No. 5, the Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Melbourne.
Black­wood Sky­line exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logue -view text here
2001 Court­ney Kidd, Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald (review).
Lin­da Michael, Our Place: Issues of Iden­ti­ty in Recent Aus­tralian Art, Col­lec­tion from Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Mel­bourne, Palaz­zo Vaj, Pra­to, Italy.
2000 Ali­son Kubler, ‘Paint­ing a verisimil­i­tude, Sebas­t­ian’ (cat­a­logue) Gold Coast.
John Stringer, ‘H2O’, Lawrence Wil­son Art Gallery, (cat­a­logue).
1999 Juliana Eng­berg, Signs of Life: Mel­bourne Inter­na­tion­al Bien­ni­al, (cat­a­logue).
Peter Frank, ‘Art picks of the week’, LA Week­ly, July 30-Aug 5.
Doug Har­vey, ‘Abso­lut Hot and Absolute Not’, LA Week­ly, Aug 5–12.
David Pagel, ‘Mis­placed Mock­ing’, LA Times.
Mark Pennings,‘Overlander’, (cat­a­logue), Rosamund Felsen Gallery, L.A.
View Over­lan­der exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logue — PDF
1998 Anna Clab­burn, ‘Whim­sy in the White Cube’, Car­toons and Car­i­ca­ture in Con­tem­po­rary Art.
Mer­ryn Gates, Gee­long Art Gallery & Tour, pp.11–12.
Kevin Mur­ray, ‘Bush goes punc­tu­al, he goes…, Ide­al project’, EAF, Adelaide.
1997 Jonathan Good­man, ‘Stephen Bush’, Art in Amer­i­ca, May, pp.128 (review Fotouhi Cramer).
David Cross, ‘Irony’s edge — S. Bush’s No Title 1989’. Colo­nial Post Colo­nial, (cat­a­logue), MOMA Hei­de, pp.28–29.
Dave Graney, ‘How Say You’ (cat­a­logue), ACCA Melbourne.
Jonathon Holmes, Tan­gi­bil­i­ty, (cat­a­logue) Uni­ver­si­ty of Tas­ma­nia, Hobart.
Dr. Chris McAu­li­ffe, ‘Stephen Bush: Pro­duc­ing the Goods’ Art & Text No. 53.
Lin­da Michael, ‘Pho­tog­ra­phy is Dead! Long Live Pho­tog­ra­phy!’, (cat­a­logue), Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Sydney.
Joe Vojtko, ‘The Dis­in­te­gra­tion of Post-Colo­nial Mytho­gies’, Review Art, NY.
1995 Jen­ny McFar­lane, Eye­line 29, Sum­mer, (South Face).
Robert Rooney, The Aus­tralian, Novem­ber 1.
Trevor Smith, ‘South Face’ (cat­a­logue), Can­ber­ra Con­tem­po­rary Art Space, ACT.
1994 Juliana Eng­berg, ‘Per­sona Cog­ni­ta’ (cat­a­logue), Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, Heide.
Natal­ie King, ‘Bad Toys’ (cat­a­logue), Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art.
Stu­art Koop, ‘Exhi­bi­tion Review; Stephen Bush’, Art & Text, No. 49.
Dr. Chris McAu­li­ffe, ‘Stephen Bush: Ser­i­al Orig­i­nal­i­ty’, Stephen Bush: The Lure of Paris, (cat­a­logue).
Mark Pen­nings, ‘Stephen Bush’, Robert Lind­say Gallery, Melbourne.
Robert Rooney, ‘Black and White Ele­phants,’ The Week­end Aus­tralian, Sydney.
1992 Juliana Eng­berg, Angel­ic Space, (cat­a­logue), Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Gallery, Melbourne.
Mer­ryn Gates, Domi­no 1, (cat­a­logue), Ian Pot­ter Gallery, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Melbourne.
1991 Dan Cameron, His­tor­i­cal non-imper­a­tives, (cat­a­logue), The Aldrich Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Ridge­field, Con­necti­cut, USA, 1991; Nao­mi Cass, Claim­ing: An Instal­la­tion of Paint­ings by Stephen Bush, (cat­a­logue), Aus­tralian Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Melbourne.
Louise Dauth, ‘Heroes, Humour, Par­o­dy and Wit’, Broad­Sheet, vol 20/ No. 2, Melbourne.
John Emery, ‘Chal­leng­ing jour­ney and the artists dream world’, Adver­tis­er, Adelaide.
Juliana Eng­berg, ‘Car­ni­val Time: Myth, Democ­ra­cy and the Dirt­farmer’, in Claim­ing: An Instal­la­tion of Paint­ings by Stephen Bush, (cat­a­logue), Aus­tralian Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Melbourne.
Christo­pher Heath­cote, ‘Learn­ing land­scapes geog­ra­phy tricks from the past’, The Age, Melbourne.
Bren­da Lude­man, ‘Love of the Gen­dered Sub­ject’, Agen­da 17, Melbourne.
Kevin Mur­ray, ‘Why Bush is not smil­ing’, in Claim­ing: An Instal­la­tion of Paint­ings by Stephen Bush, (cat­a­logue), Aus­tralian Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Melbourne.
David O’Hal­laron, ‘Pro­gramme 91’, Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­tre of South Australia.
Robert Rooney, ‘Touch of Hol­ly­wood in realisms the­atre’, The Week­end Aus­tralian, Sydney.
Vir­ginia Tri­oli, ‘Paint­ing proud, bewil­der­ing pasts’, The Age, Melbourne.
William Zim­mer, ‘Spec­trum of Aus­tralian Works’, The New York Times.
1990 Juliana Eng­berg, ‘The year that was’, Gallery, Nation­al Gallery Soci­ety of Vic­to­ria, Melbourne.
1989 Gary Cata­lano, Arts Review, The Age, Melbourne.
Juliana Eng­berg, ‘Going Bush’, Agen­da 9, Mel­bourne, December.
Bren­da Lude­man, ‘The Mono­chrome paint­ings of Stephen Bush’, Art & Text No. 31.
1988 Peter Cripps, Stephen Bush and Janet Burchill, (cat­a­logue), The Lew­ers Bequest and Pen­rith Region­al Art Gallery, Emu Plains, NSW.
Robert Rooney, ‘East is east and west is best’, The Aus­tralian, Sep­tem­ber 17.
1986 Nao­mi Cass, Fears and Scru­ples, (cat­a­logue), Uni­ver­si­ty Gallery, Mel­bourne University.
Gary Cata­lano, ‘Ques­tion­ing con­ven­tions’, The Age, Mel­bourne, April 22.
‘The past and the present’, The Age, Melbourne.
Robert Lind­say, ‘Young Aus­tralians’, (cat­a­logue), Pow­ell Street Gallery, Melbourne.
Louise Neri, ‘Quid­di­ty’, (cat­a­logue), 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne.
Robert Rooney, ‘Into the essence of quid­di­ty’, The Aus­tralian, Syd­ney, July 4.
‘Plot­ting a link with the past’, The Aus­tralian, Sydney.
Lin­da Van Nana, ‘Voy­age of Dis­cov­ery’, (cat­a­logue), Dal­las, Texas, US

Stephen Bush is rep­re­sent­ed in Aus­tralia by Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne.